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Common Nuisance Ants in Illinois

Serving Chicago Illinois and Indiana

Common Home Nuisance Ants in Illinois - Terminix Anderson One of the most common pest problems here in the midwest are, of course, ants. But what ants should you be on the lookout for in your homes in the first place? The experts at Terminix Anderson are here to share everything you need to know about the five most common types of house ants you might come across in your home or business.

5 Types of Ants in the Midwest

1. Carpenter Ants >>

  • Do carpenter ants have wings? Swarmers, aka reproductive carpenter ants, have two sets of wings. Unlike termites, these sets of wings are unequal in length. These wings enable carpenter ants to swarm in the spring to form new colonies. Worker carpenter ants and queens do not possess wings.
  • Are carpenter ants dangerous? Carpenter ants are considered dangerous due to the fact that they are wood-destroying insects. These pests feed on wood, comprising the structure of your home. However, carpenter ants do not bite and don’t pose a health threat to humans.
  • How do I get rid of carpenter ants? If you suspect carpenter ants, the best thing to do is to see if you can find the nest. Before you apply any ant bait yourself, it’s best to contact your local ant exterminator for assistance instead.

2. Odorous House Ants >>

  • Do odorous house ants bite? These common ants are not known to bite or sting individuals. The main concern with these pests is that colonies of odorous house ants can grow very quickly, making them more and more difficult to get rid of.
  • Where do odorous house ants live? Although these ants can live both indoors and outdoors, they are a cause for concern when they get inside homes. Indoors, these ants are known for infesting kitchens and bathrooms, which is where you’ll see long ant trails.
  • How do I get rid of odorous house ants? To get rid of odorous ants, you’re going to want to prevent them in the first place. Seal openings into your home, promptly clean up after eating or spills, and make sure to contact an exterminator as soon as you see a few roaming around.

3. Pavement Ants >>

  • Do pavement ants get in the house? True to their name, pavement ants prefer to congregate outdoors on paved sidewalks or driveways. If and when they get indoors, it’s typically when they make their way through cracks and crevices.
  • What do pavement ants look like? Pavement ants are tiny ants that are brown to black in color with lighter-colored legs. The worker ants are just about 3 mm long. While rare to witness, swarmer pavement ants have wings and can fly around on warmer days.
  • Are pavement ants harmful? These ants are known for their habit of nesting beneath the foundation of buildings. While not inherently dangerous, pavement ants are feared for being a major nuisance pest, as they are difficult to get rid of without the help of an expert.

4. Pharaoh Ants >>

  • What are pharaoh ants attracted to? These ants are mostly attracted to fatty or sweet foods. This can include food crumbs that are high in sugar or fat content, such as peanut butter, honey, and grease. When they locate a food source, an infestation can quickly grow out of hand.
  • Do pharaoh ants bite? These ants are indeed capable of biting or stinging people, but it is rare for them to do so. Their bite can leave a red mark or welt on the skin that will fade within a few days. Compared to the bites of other ants, their stings are relatively mild.
  • How do I get rid of pharaoh ants? Pharaoh ants are infamous for being persistent pests. Getting rid of them requires vigorous baiting. The best option is always to get expert help from a professional ant pest control company.

5. Argentine Ants >>

  • Are Argentine ants invasive? Originally from South America, Argentine ants are indeed considered invasive. In under a century, these ants have spread to six continents and are considered invasive due to their habit of producing giant colonies, spreading bacteria, and being a major agricultural pest.
  • Do Argentine ants bite? These bites do not possess stingers but can bite individuals when threatened. These bites are mild and are of no cause for concern. A bite from an Argentine ant will result in mild symptoms and go away in a few days’ time.
  • How do I get rid of Argentine ants? To get rid of Argentine ants, you are almost certainly going to need the assistance of a professional ant exterminator. These colonies can grow to insurmountable numbers with multiple queens.

Need Help Identifying Nuisance Ants in Your Home?

No matter which types of ants you’re dealing with in your home, infestations are notoriously hard to control and almost always require professional help. The experts at Terminix Anderson can help find the source of nuisance ants in your home, eliminate colonies, and make sure you never have an ant problem again!

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