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When to Call a Bed Bug Exterminator

Serving Illinois and Indiana

When to Call a Bed Bug Exterminator - Anderson Pest Solutions Bed Bug Exterminators in Indiana and IllinoisIf you’ve dealt with bed bugs before, you know how difficult they are to get rid of. For that reason alone, it’s always important to call a bed bug exterminator the moment you notice the signs or symptoms of an infestation. DIY treatments can be excellent solutions for prevention or even small infestations, but it can be difficult to determine exactly when a bed bug infestation requires an exterminator. In general, it’s always safe to call in a bed bug exterminator if you suspect you have these pesky pests. There are four major indications that you need professional bed bug services, quick!

Call a Professional When Bed Bug Symptoms Get Worse

Bed bug bites can cause a multitude of reactions and physical symptoms, including itchy rashes, hives, and welts. Even if physical symptoms aren’t present, it can be very difficult to deal with the psychological stress induced by an infestation. It may be time to call an exterminator if physical symptoms get worse, or negative psychological effects increase.

Get Help When Bed Bugs are Visible in Large Numbers

Bed bugs are tiny, but they’re not invisible. If you notice a large quantity of bed bugs in a single area, it’s time to call a professional. Bed bugs don’t have nests or colonies, so an increase in visible population means the infestation has gotten much worse.

Contact Bed Bug Experts When Bugs Expand Locations

Bed bugs prefer mattresses and furniture because they can hide easily and have access to a food source. If bed bugs begin to appear along window-sills, electrical outlets, computer keyboards, or any other unusual places, the bed bug population has gotten too large for the typical hiding spots. It’s time to call in an exterminator.

Bed Bug Exterminators Needed When Infestations Reoccur

No one should have to suffer through multiple infestations, and if the bed bugs keep coming back, a licensed exterminator should be called immediately. There are two major treatments for a bed bug infestation: heat exposure and chemical treatment, and an exterminator has expertise with both.

Call a Professional Bed Bug Exterminator

Eliminating bed bugs can be complex and should be tailored to individual homes and infestation sizes. We have customized treatment plans and guarantees in place to make sure bed bugs are eliminated from your home for good! Call the bed bug experts at Anderson Pest Solutions today for a free estimate!

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When to call a bed bug exterminator Serving Illinois and Indiana

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