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Preparation for Bed Bug Treatment

Serving Illinois and Indiana

Preparation for Bed Bug Treatments in Illinois and Indiana by Anderson Pest SolutionsIn order for bed bug treatments to be successful, some preparation is required! To provide the best possible outcome, it is essential that the area(s) to be treated are properly prepared prior to Anderson Pest Solutions’ arrival to perform treatment. This shall include the initial treatment as well as all follow-up visits. From stripping down bedding to sealing items in heavy-duty plastic bags, there are a number of things you’ll be asked to prepare before Anderson is able to properly treat your home. By fully preparing your space for treatment, there’s a better chance the treatment will be more successful with less need for further treatment!

Preparations for Bed Bug Extermination Service

The following items shall be completed by the client prior to the bed bug treatment. Please note that your technician will not be able to perform the treatment, or, at a minimum, the treatment will be compromised if the areas are not prepared properly. If more time is needed to complete the below items, please contact Anderson Pest Solutions at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled service date.

  • All beds must be stripped down to the bare sleeping surface. Place sheets, blankets, and bedding in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags to be laundered.
  • Empty dressers and nightstands; placing clothing in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags to be laundered. Any other items are to be placed in the middle of the floor.
  • All pictures are to be removed from the walls and placed in the middle of the floor of the unit/room.
  • All clutter from closet floors and under furniture is to be removed and placed in the middle of the floor.
  • Pull furniture away from walls for access to baseboards and electrical outlets.
  • Empty all suitcases and place any clothing in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags to be laundered. Other items are to be placed in the middle of the floor.
  • Stuffed animals, pet bedding, shoes and other small washable items are to be placed in sealed heavy-duty plastic bags to be laundered.
  • Client shall launder all items as follows: Transport items to the laundry in sealed heavy duty plastic bags. Insert items into the dryer and dry the items for 30 minutes on high heat (120º F minimum). This will kill bed bugs and their eggs. Only items that can stand the high heat of a dryer should be placed in the dryer. Anderson Pest Solutions is not responsible for damage to items that are placed in the dryer.
  • Transfer dried items to new heavy-duty plastic bag and seal tightly. Bags may be reintroduced into living quarters but must remain sealed until after the second visit.
  • People and pets must vacate the unit during service and remain out of the unit for a minimum of 4 hours after the service is completed.
  • Infested items to be disposed of should not be removed until they are completely sealed.
  • Infant cribs and mattresses will only be visually inspected by Anderson. No pesticide application will be made on infant cribs or mattresses. The client is responsible for cleaning and/or disposal of infant crib and mattress.

Warning: Removing infested items from the infested unit or room may increase the spreading of your bed bug problem. Do not remove items from infested rooms except those that have been properly placed in sealed heavy-duty plastics bags to be laundered.

Professional Bed Bug Extermination Services

With your home properly prepared, the team at Anderson Pest Solutions will be able to treat any and all infested areas in your home through one of our treatment options. We pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to make sure all treatment is safe for you and your family, and are happy to help provide further guidance on preparing your home for bed bug treatment. Call us today for more information!

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Preparation for Bed Bug Treatment Serving Illinois and Indiana

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