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Protected Birds in the Midwest

Serving Illinois and Indiana

Humans and birds, while occupying the same urban and rural spaces, can often create problems for each other. Whether a swift has taken up residence in a chimney, or a woodpecker has begun to drill holes in a porch, it’s important to consider the potential complications when attempting to control bird issues or populations.

Common Migratory Birds that are Under Protection

Most people think of protected birds as rare or exotic, like the American Bald Eagle or the Blue-footed Booby. Few realize that federally-protected species exist in their cities, or right in their backyard. A detailed commentary on protected birds can be found on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website, but here is a general list of common birds under legal protection:

  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Songbirds
  • Gulls
  • Shorebirds
  • Wading birds
  • Birds of prey

This list may be surprising, but that’s exactly why a pest control company should be consulted. A licensed professional will be able to provide a legal and carefully considered solution to any bird problems.

The Law Protecting Migratory Birds

The list of birds above, as well as all other birds classified as Migratory, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This treaty now includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, and Russia. Listed birds, as well as their parts, nests, eggs, and environment, are federally protected. Unless someone obtains a special permit or is allowed under certain regulations, no one is allowed to do any of the following to native migratory birds:

  • Capture, hunt, pursue, or kill
  • Offer to sell, or sell
  • Purchase or barter
  • Transport, deliver, or export
  • Receive or import

Consequences When Handling Protected Migratory Birds

When dealing with a difficult bird problem, it’s vital to first identify the bird in question, and then to research any laws that might restrict or penalize the actions required for treatment. Not only can criminal charges result, but the long-term consequences of capturing, removing, or harming migratory birds can cause long-term devastation. In the specific instances that birds become a nuisance, become destructive, or become a health threat, landowners may be able to obtain a permit for their removal. In other instances, an experienced pest control professional can provide ways to keep birds away without harm.

Call for Expert Advice on Protected Migratory Birds

The laws protecting migratory birds are complex and serious. A licensed professional can provide a humane and environmentally-conscious solution, preventing any further complications. Call Anderson Pest Solutions today for a free estimate!


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Protected Birds in the Midwest Serving Illinois and Indiana

Chicago | Illinois
