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As summer heats up, filth fly activity reaches its peak. The warm weather creates ideal conditions for these pests to flourish, resulting in rapid population growth. With plenty of food and optimal temperatures throughout the warmer months, filth flies can complete their life cycle—from egg to adult—in just 7 days.

Their quick reproduction and favorable environment mean that by summer’s end, filth fly numbers can skyrocket. Whether you’re managing a business or maintaining a home, keeping these pests away is crucial. Here’s what you need to know to keep them under control.

Are Filth Flies Dangerous?

Filth flies belong to a group of flies known for their unhygienic behaviors and health hazards. These insects breed in trash, decaying organic matter, and feces. If they infiltrate your business or home, they become vectors for disease-causing pathogens and bacteria.

Flies already aren’t pleasant to deal with, but filth flies can lead to several issues if they get indoors. They are notorious for contaminating food and surfaces with remnants from their previous stops—and, to make matters worse, their rapid reproductive cycle makes them hard to eliminate. 

Not only that, but their presence often signals unsanitary conditions that could indicate broader issues in or around your property. For businesses, this combination of factors can swiftly tarnish your reputation.

How to Prevent Filth Flies

Because filth flies usually mature outdoors before entering your structure, focusing on their breeding grounds outside is crucial for prevention. By disrupting their life cycle and employing exclusion methods, you can effectively keep them from invading indoors. Here are some tips to prevent filth flies:

  • Promptly clean up pet waste.
  • Keep doors closed when not in use.
  • Use covered trash bins and dumpsters indoors and outdoors.
  • If you have compost piles, consider removing them. 
  • Maintain a clean landscape by removing trash regularly.

Filth Fly Sanitization Tips

When dealing with a filth fly problem, thorough cleaning is key to getting rid of health risks and stopping them from coming back. Here’s what you should do if you find filth flies in your business or home:

  • Manage Your Dumpster: For businesses, keep your dumpster area clean and ask your service provider about cleaning or replacing containers.
  • Seal Entry Points: Check doors, windows, and vents for gaps where flies can get in. Seal these with caulk or weather stripping.
  • Remove Sources of Attraction: Get rid of things that draw filth flies, like decaying organic matter, spilled food, and make sure garbage is sealed and taken out regularly.
  • Keep Up On Routine Cleaning: Sweep floors, wipe down surfaces, and take out trash often to reduce food sources for flies.
  • Clean and Disinfect: Vacuum up fly debris using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Then disinfect surfaces with a water and disinfectant cleaner, especially in kitchens and dining areas.
  • Consider Professional Help: If the problem persists, consider getting help from pest control experts for targeted treatments and advice on preventing future infestations.

Filth Fly Control Services

During the summer months, Illinois and Indiana experiences a surge in filth flies and houseflies invading commercial and residential spaces. While preventive actions can lower the chances of an infestation, eliminating these pests once they’ve taken hold can prove quite difficult. Partnering with a licensed fly removal company is often the most effective solution. If you’re dealing with filth flies near your property, contact us today for a complimentary estimate!

Filth Flies in Illinois and Indiana: How to Keep Them Out For Good Serving Illinois and Indiana

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