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When to Call a Mosquito Exterminator

Serving Illinois and Indiana

Learn when to call a mosquito exterminator in Illinois and Indiana - Anderson Pest Solutions

Mosquitoes are one of the most frustrating–and most feared–nuisance pests in the nation. But they can be much more than a nuisance. Mosquitoes are feared worldwide for their ability to transmit diseases. Although that is rare, their bites can still cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort and itching to more serious reactions. This fact alone makes people hesitate going in their own yards in the summer, especially here in the Midwest where mosquitoes are common. In order to prevent the onslaught of mosquitoes each year, it’s best to team up with a professional mosquito exterminator such as Anderson Pest Solutions.

Why Do You Need Mosquito Pest Control?

No one wants to get bitten by mosquitoes! Unfortunately, some of us are more prone to getting bitten than others. In any case, bites can be more of a threat than you realize. There are several diseases infamously transmitted by mosquitoes, including West Nile virus, yellow fever, Chikungunya, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and dengue fever, to name just a few. Although these are all rare, it’s always best to prevent mosquitoes in the first place by working with a mosquito pest control company. By use of professional mosquito repellents and mosquito prevention, you can safely be in your backyard all year long with our professional mosquito services.

Our Mosquito Pest Control Methods

To protect your yard and family from mosquitoes, it’s important to work with a mosquito elimination expert that can protect you from dealing with problems in the spring and summer. Our mosquito exterminators will implement the following steps:

  • A thorough inspection of your home and yard
  • Identification of the mosquito problem and the conditions that may be attracting them
  • Development of a mosquito elimination plan to tackle your unique infestation
  • Proper mosquito prevention efforts or exclusion to control sources of the infestation
  • Implementation of mosquito repellents or treatments
  • If necessary, further visits from our team for further mosquito services

Mosquito Elimination in the Midwest

Mosquito elimination and control is no job for an amateur. Store-bought mosquito repellents will only get you so far in keeping these biting insects away! For mosquito pest contorl you can count on, the team at Anderson has your back. To learn more, give our mosquito exterminators a call today!

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When to Call a Mosquito Exterminator Serving Illinois and Indiana

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