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How to Prepare for Mosquito Season

Serving Illinois and Indiana

How to prepare your home for mosquito season in Chicago IL and beyond - Terminix AndersonMosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance—they are dangerous as well! A mosquito bite typically causes some redness and itching, but mosquitoes are infamous for carrying several vector-borne diseases, such as Zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya, malaria, and more. Bottom line, no one wants mosquitoes in their yard, which is why it’s important to know how to prepare for mosquito season in Illinois. By knowing how to keep mosquitoes out, you can protect yourself and your family from the onslaught of mosquitoes each year!

When is Mosquito Season in Illinois?

For the most part, mosquitoes become more active during the warmer months of the year, which is why they’re considered summer pests. The mosquito season typically begins in the early spring and peaks over the summer. They are also active in humid, muggy weather, which is why they’re still a problem in the late summer. In the fall, populations will begin to thin out and they may disappear entirely for several months before spring rolls around again. It’s important to know when to prepare for mosquito season. By implementing mosquito prevention services in the winter, you can be prepared when mosquitoes swarm.

How to Prep Your Yard for Mosquito Season

There are many things that may be attracting mosquitoes to your yard. When it comes to knowing how to prepare your home for mosquito season, it’s important to know what attracts them to your home in the first place. Some of the best mosquito prevention services you or a professional can do to prevent mosquitoes include:

  1. Checking areas with standing water.
    • Never leave out containers that can hold standing water after rainfall.
    • Empty buckets, folded tarpaulins, pet food bowls, and birdbaths.
    • If you have ponds, consider getting frogs or fish that may feed on mosquitoes.
  2. Inspecting the foundation of your property.
    • Check and clean out the eaves, roof gutters, and plastic drain pipes in your home
    • Install tight-fitting screens on all door and windows in your property.
    • Repair any foundation issues that may contribute to moisture problems.
  3. Maintaining your lawn and shrubs.
    • Mosquitoes will rest on shrubs and grasses when not feeding. Trim all bushes and keep grass cut at a low level.

Professional Mosquito Prevention Services

Mosquitoes can be dangerous pests, which is why you need to protect your property from them and learn how to prepare for mosquito season. If you are looking for professional help for mosquito prevention or control, the team at Terminix Anderson is happy to help. Not only can we help prepare your home and yard for mosquito season, we can also control any other mosquito problems you may be having. Call our team today to learn more!

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