What Are the Differences Between Rats & Mice?

Rats and mice are two of the most common pest problems faced by residents and business owners alike here in the Midwest. All rodents share the same trait that is their incisor teeth. These teeth [...]

Rodent Problems Are on The Rise Due to COVID-19

It’s Rodent Awareness Week 2020, and it’s more timely than ever to discuss the importance of rodent prevention. You’ve likely heard that rodent problems are on the rise due to Covid-19, and as [...]

Termite Activity in the Fall & Winter

Unlike many types of seasonal pests, termites are year-round pests. Many assume that “termite season” is during the springtime because they are seen swarming. However, a termite infestation can [...]

Why Are There Bugs on the Side of My Home?

Do you notice beetle-looking insects on the side of your Chicago area home every fall season? You’re not alone! Stink bugs and boxelder bugs are two common fall invaders in our region. These [...]

Prevent Fall Rodents With These Tips

Whenever the seasons change here in the Midwest, all types of pest problems occur. One of the biggest pest problems faced by homes and businesses alike this time of year is rodent infestations. [...]