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Rats and mice are two of the most common pest problems faced by residents and business owners alike here in the Midwest. All rodents share the same trait that is their incisor teeth. These teeth never stop growing, causing the rodents to constantly gnaw and chew in order to keep them maintained. While both rats and mice exhibit very similar behaviors, they differ in a number of ways as well. Because a rodent problem can be both destructive and dangerous for you and your family, the team at Anderson Pest Solutions wants to keep our customers informed about the differences between mice and rats. Read on to learn how to identify these two rodents that commonly infest homes in our communities.

How to Differentiate Between Rats and Mice

Although there are many different rat and mouse species, rats and mice in general have several unique differences:

  • Mice
    • Mice species usually only grow to be about 4 inches in body size.
    • Mice typically have larger ears and tails compared to their body size.
    • The droppings mice leave behind have pointed ends and are just 1–2 mm long.
    • Mice are omnivores but mostly feed on seeds, grains, and fruits.
    • They are more prolific than rats: Mice produce 5–10 litters a year with up to 14 mice in each litter.

Mouse and rat identification in the Midwest - Anderson Pest Solutions

  • Rats
    • Rat’s bodies can be about 6-9 inches in length, not including the tail.
    • Rats have small, hairy ears and larger feet.
    • Their droppings are much bigger than those of mice at 10–20 mm long.
    • Rats produce 3–6 litters a year with up to 10 pups in each litter.
    • Rats are opportunistic feeders that will eat meats, grains, seeds, and many more items.


What are the Dangers of Rats and Mice?

Both a rat or a mouse infestation can be potentially dangerous for a number of reasons. Rodents are infamous for their ability to carry and spread a number of potentially dangerous diseases. They also can trigger allergies in people. A rodent problem can be a mess to clean up due to the amount of droppings and urine left behind. Lastly, they can cause significant damage to your home. Both mice and rats will chew through insulation, cardboard, wood, and electrical wiring. Needless to say, this can be dangerous and costly.

What to Do When You Have Rats or Mice

Chances are, you don’t want to get up close and personal with the rodents that may be in your home. If you believe you have rats or mice, it’s best to contact our team of rodent exterminators. We will identify the species you’re dealing with, execute a plan to get rid of them, and ensure they stay away for good. To learn more, contact us today!

What Are the Differences Between Rats & Mice? Serving Illinois and Indiana

Downtown Chicago Merriville Gary Elmhurst Arlington Heights

North Chicago Downers Grove Wheeling Libertyville

Rodents infest Chicago IL homes during the pandemic - Anderson Pest Solutions