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When is Termite Season in Illinois?

When is termite season in Indiana and Illinois; Terminix Anderson

While some pests are seasonal, termites are active throughout the entire year. Even in the Midwest with our cold winters, termites are able to bunker down and keep infesting properties. Termite season is occasionally considered to be springtime, as this is when termites swarm. That said, termites have a life cycle that allows them to be active throughout the entire year, which is why they are considered one of the biggest pest threats for homes and businesses.

Why Do Termites Prefer Warm Climates?

Like a lot of pests, termites are inclined to be more active when the weather is warmer. Most termites prefer daytime temperatures that are about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Here in Illinois, we only experience that kind of weather during certain times of the year. Springtime is when many types of termites will swarm in search of a place to begin a new colony, often after rainy weather. Because these wood-boring insects are cold-blooded, warmer temperatures enable them to breed, work, and spread much more easily.

How Do Termites Survive the Winter in the Midwest?

Termites may thrive in the spring and summer, but they could still be at work beneath your home in the fall and winter as well. In the fall, termites will seek out wood or soil they can burrow through easily as they look to tunnel deep enough to protect themselves from dropping temperatures. Warm climates enable the queen termite to continue to produce and lay eggs at a steady rate, even during the winter. So even though you may not see swarmers between December and February, termites are still actively chewing through wood and reproducing wherever they may be.

When Are Termites Most Dangerous?

Termites are a year-round pest threat. Even when termites are buried deep in soil during the winter, warm weather at any time of the year enables them to infest and feed on wood in or around your home. For this reason, it’s important to always be on the lookout for termites and to consider investing in year-round protection for your property.

When is Termite Season in Illinois Serving Illinois?

Downtown Chicago Elmhurst Arlington Heights

North Chicago Downers Grove Wheeling Libertyville