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Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks

Serving Chicago Illinois and Indiana

How wood ticks look in Illinois & Indiana - Anderson Pest SolutionsIf you’re constantly dealing with ticks and fleas, what can you do? Of course, the best form of flea and tick control is to be preventative in the first place. It’s crucial to learn the signs of these pests so that you can take caution to avoid them altogether. However, if you need to get rid of fleas & ticks that are already on your property, there are a few things you can do yourself at home. Read on for expert advice from Anderson Pest Solutions’ tick and flea removal specialists.

How to Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks in the House

To protect your home, family, and pets from parasitic pests, it is important to learn the ways that you can take action against them yourself:

  • Take your pets to the vet: Your veterinarian can give you safe flea control products that will protect your dogs and cats, effectively keeping them out of your house!
  • Wash your bedding often: This includes your bedding and your pets’ bedding—fleas especially love to hide in sheets, laundry, and pet beds. Run it all through a hot wash.
  • Vacuum thoroughly and frequently: Your whole house should be kept clean to reduce the risk of bed bugs. Vacuum your furniture as well as your floors, and carefully throw out the vacuum bags.

How to Get Rid of Ticks & Fleas in Your Yard

If your pets have been coming back inside covered in bugs, you might be wondering, can an exterminator get rid of ticks and fleas in my yard? The answer is yes, you should absolutely hire an expert for flea and tick yard treatment—it’s near impossible to remove them without professional experience. A trained exterminator can come to your property equipped with the right gear to clear all of the biting pests out of your yard.

Treatment for Fleas and Ticks in Illinois & Indiana

If you have been trying to get rid of fleas & ticks to no avail, you can always count on your local pest control company. The experts at Anderson Pest Solutions can assess your situation and set up a treatment for fleas and ticks that suits all of your needs. For more advice on getting rid of ticks in your yard or fleas on your pets, contact us today!

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Get Rid of Fleas & Ticks Serving Illinois and Indiana

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