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Bed Bug Learning Center

Bed Bug Treatment

1. How To Treat Bed Bug Bites »

Bed bug bites can be left to heal without medical attention! Over-the-counter pain medication and anti-itch creams work to help soothe any discomfort.

If you are suffering from bed bug bites, you can thankfully treat them right at home. Find out how from Anderson Pest Solutions

2. What Helps Bed Bug Bites? »

Although they may not always work as well as products, there are some at-home remedies for bites from baking soda and water to toothpaste and aloe vera gel.

Find Out What Helps Bed Bug Bites

3. How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs in Illinois and Indiana »

For complete control of a bed bug infestation, it’s important to hire a bed bug exterminator. Treatment options include heat treatments, steam treatments, and more.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs in Illinois and Indiana

4. Does Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs? »

Baking soda works to kill bed bugs by dehydrating their bodies. While it won’t control an infestation, it’s rumored to be a temporary solution.

Does Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs?

5. Do It Yourself Bed Bug Treatment »

Washing your bedding and vacuuming are two ways you can stop bed bugs from spreading. Bed bug treatment, however, should always be administered by a professional.

Do It Yourself Bed Bug Treatment

6. Does Washing Bedding And Clothing In High Heat Kill Bed Bugs? »

A hot water wash can effectively kill off bed bugs in multiple stages of their life cycle. It’s important to be cautious in moving infested items to your washer and dryer.

Does Washing Bedding And Clothing In High Heat Kill Bed Bugs

7. Do I Have To Throw Out Food After A Bed Bug Infestation? »

Food does not have to be thrown out if you have an infestation! Bed bugs show no interest in infesting food products, thankfully.

Do I Have To Throw Out Food After A Bed Bug Infestation?

8. Do I Have To Throw Out My Bed Bug Infested Mattress? »

If you have a bed bug problem, do not throw away your mattress, box spring, or any other item infested with bed bugs. This can spread the bugs to other parts of your property.

DIt is recommended that you do not throw out your mattress, box spring, or any other item infested with bed bugs. Doing so can contribute to spreading the bed bug problem.

9. How Do You Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Carpet? »

For the most part, bed bugs do not infest carpets. Regardless, it’s important to thoroughly vacuum your carpets and rugs several times.

How Do You Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Carpet?

10. How Do I Prepare For Bed Bug Treatment in Illinois and Indiana? »

Before a bed bug treatment, your pest control company will provide you with instructions on how to prepare depending on the type of treatment.

How Do I Prepare For Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Treatment Serving Illinois and Indiana

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