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Who’s At Risk of Getting Bed Bugs in Illinois and Indiana?

After a resurgence in the ’90s, everyone and anyone is susceptible to bed bug problems. People that high risk areas such as hotels, dorms, and schools are especially vulnerable.

Find out who is at risk of getting bed bugs in Illinois and Indiana metros and surrounding areas; Call Anderson Pest SolutionsPeople at the highest risk of getting bed bugs include:

  • Travelers
  • College students
  • Secondhand furniture buyers
  • People who have visited an infested area



Bed Bug Problems in Hotels

Due to the rise in global travel over the past decades, bed bug infestations have become more and more common. This has also led to increased cases of bed bugs in hotels. Bed bugs are never short of a meal in hotel rooms. Even if a room is vacant for a day or two, they can easily spread to another room. Bed bugs inside one hotel room can quickly lead to an infested hotel.

In order to prevent bed bugs in a hotel, always do your research and read reviews. Before settling in, make sure to inspect the mattress and furniture for signs of bed bugs. In addition, store your suitcase above ground or in the bathtub to limit access to bed bugs.

Bed Bugs in Student Housing

Similarly to hotel rooms, bed bugs love dorm rooms. With so many people in one building, bed bugs can quickly spread throughout student housing units. A bed bug infestation can be any college student’s worst nightmare, which is why it’s important to always report the early signs of an infestation if noticed. If you have a college student coming home for the holidays or for summer vacation, make sure their suitcase is steam-cleaned and inspected before storing it away.

The Likelihood of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are opportunists and will infest any property in which they can feed. They also can go a whole year without a blood meal, making the threat even worse! Even if you think you aren’t at risk of getting bed bugs, and even if you keep the cleanest home, it’s important to know the signs of an infestation. Knowing them can help you stop an infestation from spreading or getting worse.

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Who’s at Risk of Getting Bed Bugs? Serving Illinois and Indiana

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