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How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms

Student housing is a prime target for bed bugs. To prevent them in dorm rooms, always use a mattress cover and thoroughly inspect the room.

bed bug treatment from Terminix Anderson

To keep college students safe from bed bugs:

  1. Inspect luggage and suitcases for bed bugs
  2. Inspect secondhand furniture for signs of bed bugs
  3. Always cover mattresses with a protective cover
  4. Before moving in or out, thoroughly inspect the room.



The Bed Bug Problem in College

Dorm rooms tend to be hot spots for bed bug activity. Because universities house individuals from all over the world who are constantly traveling, bed bug problems are simply inevitable in universities. Beds, couches, chairs, baseboards, dressers, and clothing are all susceptible to hosting bed bugs, making it crucial to always thoroughly inspect these items. Especially because most dorm room furniture is second hand, be very careful when moving in or out.

Do College Students Bring Home Bed Bugs?

If you have a college student, it’s important to take extra precautions when they come home for the holidays or summer vacation. Infestations commonly start when college students bring back bed bugs in their luggage. To avoid this, make sure your college student takes precautions in packing their suitcase, especially if it was used for other travel plans. Also be careful when unpacking suitcases. It’s smart to wash all clothing (even clean clothes) in a hot washing machine. Lastly, make sure you steam-clean your suitcase and inspect it for bugs before storing it away.

How to Prevent Bed Bug Infestations in Dorm Rooms

It’s understandable that the last thing your college student has the time to worry about is bed bugs. However, it’s important to stay vigilant! Learning the signs and communicating any suspicions of an infestation is extremely important. Bed bugs can easily spread from one dorm room to another, making it important to deal with the problem as soon as possible. This can prevent bed bugs from spreading into multiple dorm rooms.

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How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms Serving Illinois

Downtown Chicago Elmhurst Arlington Heights

North Chicago Downers Grove Wheeling Libertyville